I have a secret...does anyone know what dpo stands for? No? Well, maybe this picture can help shed some light on things.
That's right, Shane is going to be a big brother! And right now, he's the only one who knows! I told him first. He also was with me when I took the test because, well, I never get to potty alone.
I knew we wanted to get pregnant this month because I really didn't want to be pregnant during the summer--too hot! Since I've had irregular cycles since AF returned (14-36 days!) I bought an ovulation kit so I would have some idea of if/when I ovulate. I ovulated on day 21 (got the positive opk day 20).
Then, because I'm slightly obsessive, I started testing at 5dpo. (Dpo =days past ovulation.) Which, if you don't know, is WAY too early to get a positive! But at that point I'd been POAS (pee on a stick) all month so I was a little addicted. Plus, they are only a dollar at the dollar store ;).
I got negatives for several days, which I expected, but starting on Sunday (8dpo) I was exhausted. And I thought I could smell better. But still, these could be symptoms of an impending period so I didn't want to get my hopes up. Then last night I dreamed in detail that I got a positive. I woke up assuring myself that I wasn't likely to get a positive today as it's still very early but, sure enough, there was a very faint second line! I was using a First Response Early Result which, according to this website is the most sensitive test on the market.
I was so excited! But I wanted to be doubly sure so I tested on a digital. And it popped up PREGNANT. Woohoo! I had "prophetic" dreams last time I was pregnant too.
I'm so excited. All I could say was "thank you Jesus!" And I got an adrenaline rush that lasted all day. I haven't even gotten to tell Nathan yet since I don't see him on days I have class. I don't know when to tell him. It's a delicious secret! I did have to tell my teachers this afternoon, since in one class we use a lot of chemicals and another class is a lot of working out. I feel bad that they know before Nathan, but like I said I haven't even seen him yet today.
I have no symptoms yet other than feeling more tired and smelling well, which I would expect since I am only what, three weeks and three days pregnant?! You can't really find out much earlier than I did. I calculated my due date based on O date instead of last missed period (because of having such long cycles) and it looks like I'm due May 15, 2012. I'll have two kids under two for a half month!
Basketball Season 2025
6 hours ago
Congrats! How exciting
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