Thursday, March 11, 2010

28 weeks 5 days

28 Week belly...
The way I see things...
28 weeks, whoo-hoo! I had a Dr. appointment yesterday. It was THE day, the day of my 1 hr glucose test. I wasn’t overly fond of the drink, even though I chilled it. It tasted like overly sweet, flat, orange Fanta. With a gross aftertaste. I didn’t have trouble so much with the taste as I had trying to keep it down once I drank it. It made me really sick to my stomach. But overall, it wasn’t as horrible as people make it out to be. Wussies! ;)
 Then at the Dr they couldn’t find the vein in my elbow to do the blood draw, which has been a problem my entire life. Since it is a time-sensitive test they couldn’t send me to the lab to get my blood drawn, so they finally decided to draw from the back of my hand. I have a large, visible vein on the back of my hand that pops fairly easily. They managed to get all their vials of blood with no problem, and I thought it hurt a lot less than in the elbow because it is so difficult to find the vein there. I also have no bruising, swelling, or pain in my hand. When techs try to take it out of my elbow I invariably end up swollen and bruised. So in the future I think I will just request that blood be drawn from my hand. In the case of this test no results are good results; they only call you if you failed the test. So I’m hoping to hear nothing back. And if I pass this test, Dr. H said I don’t have to get my blood drawn again. Yay! In other news, Piglet is good, I am good, and since we are both doing so good I go back in 4 weeks instead of 2! Dr. H said we can wait until then to start the 2-week visits, unless I have some kind of problem. Which I won’t, please God.

I spend the weekend working on art projects for Piglet’s room. I painted a Piglet on a little plaque…

And painted all of the letters for his name. I won’t show you all of them since we aren’t telling his name on the blog yet, but here are a few of the letters so you can get an idea.

Oh, and in other should see me trying to paint my toenails! Ha!


Dusty Penguin said...

It's so hard to believe you are already in your 7th month! Wow! There is a lady I work with who is 4 months and she looks as big as you. I love the "my view" shot! Nathan will have to start painting your toenails. That's good news that you don't have to go back for a month.

Mommy Becoming said...

Nathan said he would gladly do them for me but he didn't know if they "would look any better". I told him it wasn't so much about how they looked (hey, I can't see 'em)as being able to bend over and breathe while reaching them! lol

Hannatu said...

And yes that drink is as awful as we all said it is! Ewwwwwww!